'adb' is not a recognized internal or external command [SOLVED]

We have all encountered a problem running Android Debugging Bridge adb is not a recognized command. So the solution is the simplest of all (tested on win7 64 bit)
Instead of (push command) this :-
cd C:\sdk\tools
adb remount
adb device
adb push example.examplesextension /system(anywhere you want to push the desired file)
[For pull command :- adb pull /system/example.examplesextension]
adb reboot

Try this
cd C:\sdk\platform-tools
adb remount
adb device
adb push example.examplesextension /system(anywhere you want to push the desired file)
[For pull command :- adb pull /system/example.examplesextension]
adb reboot

I know its the simplest solution and any Dev can guess it as abd exists in platform-tools  but will help people new to Android Debugging. Make sure you replace cd C:\sdk\platform-tools with wherever you extracted the adt package files.


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