Stock Rom For Funbook talk [generic 4.0.3][Non-micromax][2g sim may not work]

 I am Not responsible for bricked devices , dead SD cards,  dead pixels or breaking your WARRANTY . Read only if know what you are doing . It can easily make your smartphone a smart paperweight. Under any circumstance NEVER EVER unplug USB cable while flashing and I mean any circumstance even Zombie apocalypse  or beginning of end of the world .
The 4.0.3 version of ROM is for 3g CDMA tab but works on funbook talk 2g SIM may not work.
All ROMs are generic and properties of their respective owners. Flashing these may void your warranty boot loader and boot animations will be changed . Try only if you can't get it done in an authorized service center or don't like waiting for service center to fix it. BUILD VERSION WILL BE CHANGED AND CAN'T BE EDITED USING build.prop . IT WON'T CHANGE ITS BUILD NO.

I managed to soft brick my Micromax Funbook talk P350 while testing a jellybean ROM which I had partially ported for Funbook Talk [May release it if successful in May after exams ]. So my tablet got stuck on a Black screen . If you have managed to brick your tab follow the steps :-
NOTE :- Non-Micromax ROM works fine 2G Sim may NOT work.
1. Turn your tablet off by pressing and holding Volume up + Power button wait till its off.
2. Make sure it is off.
3. Download ROM options are :-
* 2.3.4 smoother ROM ( )
* 4.0.3 Latest ROM ([Thanks to for uploading these ROMs to sites in english as original ROMs are made and uploaded by a Chinese firm to a website in Chinese ( ]
4. Unpack ROM .
5.Download live suit pack 1.0.7 from( )
6. Unpack and install it open and click no when asked
7. Press first button as shown below to browse the file directory.
7. Select the ROM you unpacked in step 3 .
8. Plug in USB cable into computer.
9. Press and hold the VOLUME up button on the switched off tab ,while keeping it pressed insert USB into tab and press power button 6- 10 times simultaneously.
10. If you have done everything right a data wipe will be asked  ,  else a dialog box with only caution mark and ok will appear.
11. If data wipe appears select yes and let it flash the ROM which will take at least 2 minutes .
Reboot tablet after it passes the flash.
12 . If caution symbol and OK came open device manager in your computer find the tablet which will either be an unknown device or an android device . Go to its properties and update drivers . Select drivers from computer . Drivers are in the Live suit pack file . Select the drivers according to your PC and try the following steps again.
13. Contact me on if your tablet shows everything bigger than normal . The DPI isn't set properly I can fix it without root.


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